
Showing posts from August, 2020

Day 6

Link to my Site The use of Google sites has been a great tool for presenting not only work for the students, but a good preview for parents when helping with subject selection for the following year. When I first started using Sites I felt a little over welmed but within a couple of hours with the help of a Manakalani crew I now feel confident in using this application.  A good lesson I have learned. It is helpful if each area of a department works on their own site, this will prevent the lost material and un doing of each others work. I am really glad we did the show and tell on sites today. It was great having a look around other sites to get a gage on how our sites are progressing . There are plenty of great sites out there and find the simplier the site the better. I think it is very important that the pages aren't to busy.   

Day 4 Dealing with Data

Working with Google sheets has be something I have wanted to learn. My marking schedules have been a bit old school and time consuming. Today was the first day where i thought I couldn't keep up but enjying the rush of trying to complete a task in the allocated time. Each week i feel more confident in giving it a go and relising that i starting to come to grips with it all. The Manaikalani crew have been great are are super efficen. Great work and thanks for your patients. I will enjoy playing around with the maps with some of my classes. Thanks heaps have a great weeknd and keep washing hands!!

Day 3 Media

The importance of creative thinking! Initiating creative minds and how we can promt our students to start thinking this way. Sorting Youtube channel. Create playlists is a helpful tool in organising material for each difent class,this will save a whole lot of random searching. Creating an account for you tube and making it suitable for your students. Organising into playlists. SISOMO sight sound motion We Video is a tool I have used before but would like to revisit and up skill to create some usable teaching tools. Manaiakalani film festival sounds cool and we could be interested. Slides to be consistant through out making sure text size and fonts are the same. We had great fun designing our slide to make an animation. Im sure the students will love working with this. This is my peice of work.